[축구코칭] Football Technical Report_why coach should learn all the time?
Learning is always an important basis for growth and development. There are many useful sources like technical reports on the internet. But even if you find a good material, it will be useless if you don’t understand it correctly and use it. On the other hand, there is no doubt that you are a good football coach if you can understand the technical report well and apply it and further create new tactics. It is not a job creating something out of nothing. Analysing the existing data well and thinking about how to apply it to the team you are currently in charge of should be continue. Otherwise your coaching skills won’t improve like stagnant water rotting in a puddle.
[축구코칭] 경기 원칙(Principle)의 중요성, 이를 바탕으로 실제 원칙 세우는 팁
[축구코칭] 팀에 맞는 포메이션 찾기
[축구코칭] 선수 교체 타이밍 (1982 Spain FIFA 월드컵 기술 보고서)
[축구코칭] 기술 보고서 - 전술적 관찰 (1982 Spain FIFA 월드컵)
I am going to write about how to interpret the analysis of some of the technical reports. Furthermore, I would like to conduct a technical analysis of the ongoing game and compare how experts evaluate the same game. I am sure that if this continues to accumulate, there will be expertise in reading and writing technical reports. And I sincerely hope that the case applied to my team will develop.