[아랍어] 독서와 관련된 단어와 표현들
안녕하세요? 오늘은 독서와 관련된 아랍어 단어와 표현들을 배우고 마지막에는 아흐마드와 파티마의 대화를 통해서 전체적인 복습을 해보도록 하겠습니다.
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[아랍어] 병원에서 쓰이는 표현들
[아랍어] 의류 매장, 옷 살 때 쓰는 표현들
[아랍어] 시장에서 있었던 일(대화문)
먼저 단어들을 살펴보겠습니다.
1. كتاب (kitab) - book
2. قراءة (qira'a) - reading
3. معرفة (ma'rifah) - knowledge
4. تطوير (tatwir) - development
5. استمتاع (istimta') - enjoyment
6. تفكير (tafakkur) - critical thinking
7. تعلم (ta'allum) - learning
8. فهم (fahm) - understanding
9. ثقافة (thaqafah) - culture
10. تواصل (tawasul) - communication
독서와 관련된 아랍어 표현들을 알아보겠습니다.
1. قراءة الكتب توسع الأفق وتثري الفكر
(Qira'at al-kutub tawsi' al-afq wa tuthri al-fikr.)
Reading books expands horizons and enriches the mind.
2. القراءة هي جسر للمعرفة
(Al-qira'a hiya jisr lil-ma'rifah.)
Reading is a bridge to knowledge.
3. القراءة تمكّننا من فهم واكتساب الخبرات
(Al-qira'a tumkinuna min fahm wa ikhtisab al-khawarit.)
Reading enables us to understand and acquire experiences.
대화를 통해 배운 단어와 표현들을 복습해봅시다.
أحمد: مرحبا، كيف حالك اليوم؟
فاطمة: بخير، شكراً. وأنت؟
أحمد: بخير أيضاً. هل قرأت كتابًا جديدًا مؤخرًا؟
فاطمة: نعم، قرأت كتابًا عن تطوير الذات. كان مثيرًا للاهتمام
أحمد: يبدو ممتعًا. القراءة تساعد على فهم الحياة بشكل أفضل
فاطمة: بالتأكيد، وتساعدنا على اكتساب المعرفة والثقافة
أحمد: وتزيد من قدرتنا على التفكير النقدي والتواصل مع الآخرين
فاطمة: بالتأكيد، لا يمكننا إنكار أهمية القراءة في حياتنا
أحمد: لذا، دعونا نستمر في قراءة الكتب والاستفادة من فوائدها
فاطمة: بالتأكيد، سأبدأ بكتاب جديد الآن. شكرًا للمحادثة المثيرة
Ahmad: Marhaban, kayfa haluka al-yawm?
Fatimah: Bi-khayr, shukran. Wa anta?
Ahmad: Bi-khayr ayydan. Hal qarata kitaban jadidan mu'akhiran?
Fatimah: Na'am, qaratu kitaban 'an tatwir al-dhat. Kana muthiran li-l-ihitimam
Ahmad: Yabdu mumtia'an. Al-qira'a tusaidu 'ala fahm al-hayat bi shakl afdal
Fatimah: Bi-ttaqad, wa tusaiduna 'ala ikhtisab al-ma'rifah wa al-thaqafah
Ahmad: Wa tazeed min qudratina 'ala at-tafakkur an-naqdi wa at-tawasul ma'a al-akhirin
Fatimah: Bi-ttaqad, la yumkinuna inkar 'ahmiyat al-qira'a fi hayatina
Ahmad: Latha, da'una nasta'mir fi qira'at al-kutub wa al-istifadah min fawa'idha
Fatimah: Bi-ttaqad, sa'abda' bi kitab jadid al-an. Shukran lil-muhadathah al-muthira
영어 번역로 번역하면 이렇습니다.
Ahmed: Hello, how are you today?
Fatimah: I'm good, thank you. And you?
Ahmed: I'm also good. Have you read a new book recently?
Fatimah: Yes, I read a book about self-development. It was interesting.
Ahmed: Sounds enjoyable. Reading helps us understand life better.
Fatimah: Indeed, it helps us acquire knowledge and culture.
Ahmed: And it increases our ability to think critically and communicate with others.
Fatimah: Indeed, we cannot deny the importance of reading in our lives.
Ahmed: So, let's continue reading books and benefit from their advantages.
Fatimah: Indeed, I'll start a new book now. Thank you for the stimulating conversation.
아래 질문에 대한 답을 아랍어로 적어보세요~~
Q1: How do you think reading books enhances personal development?
Q2: In what ways can reading contribute to understanding different cultures?
Q3: Have you ever had a conversation that inspired you to start reading a new book?