Hello, if you are learner members of Nuri Sejonghakdang, you can join this event.
Don't worry if you are not member yet, you can visit that site and register now! It is not difficult.
Period is from October 4th to 31st, 2023.
Quiz uploading on the October 4th and 18th.
Prizes: Amazon E-Gift card $10(USD)

How to join?
1. Go to Nuri Sejonghakdang site. (You can go directly in here, Check down below)
2. Click [Participation]>[Quiz event] (if you are not learner member yet, you should register)
Here is one of the quiz event:
Do you know the answer?
Here is a hint.
방(Room), 교실(Class room), 도서관(Library)
Go and try it!
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