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Searching for Korean materials online

by 잡학만담 2023. 10. 10.

Do you watch YouTube? 

Do you use a search engine like Google?

If you have used search fuction on Youtube or Google, you have probably experienced that different materials

appear depending on the language you search in.


Whether you are looking for information about K-Pop, K-Drama, K-Food, or learning Korean, the quantity and quality of information you find when you search in Korean is much richer than other languages.

The most effective way to find info related in Korea is to use the Korean language. However, if your computer

keyboard does not support this function or if you do not know Korean well, you will have a lot of trouble searching in Korean.


This blog was created to help you search for keywords when looking for materials in Korean.

This is a place to help you find the info you are looking for as quickly as possible, so please visit here often.


